PSP or PS2?

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PSP or PS2?

Post by CanIHelpYou »

So far I have only played Origins on PSP, but I've never finished it. Now that there will be new games, my interest in finishing Origins has become greater because it's one of the few I haven't finished. Should I finish it on PSP or PS2?
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Re: PSP or PS2?

Post by Jonipoon »

I've only played it on the PSP, but I've seen playtroughs for it on the PS2 and the stretched ratio makes the visuals look worse, honestly. This game was obviously made for a smaller screen of 480 × 272 pixels, and when you play it on the PSP everything looks smooth compared to the smudgy PS2 port. I also feel it's like part of the experience to play this in a dark room with headphones on, holding the screen in your actual hands.

Story-wise, nothing's different, and all of the extras and unlockables are exactly the same.
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Re: PSP or PS2?

Post by Droo »

Yeah, I also find the visuals on the PS2 version somewhat glitchy.

I also have backwards compatibility issues occasionally with it on my PS3.

I don't own it on PSP so unfortunately PS2 is the only way I can still play it.
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Re: PSP or PS2?

Post by alone in the town »

Originally, I played the PS2 version, paid full price for it and everything, and I thought it was literally unplayable because it was so dark that indoors areas were basically too dark to effectively navigate no matter what I did to my display to try to mitigate the effect. On the PSP, however, it was not only much easier to see in the dark, it was so easy that I could crank up the brightness and not use the flashlight, and monsters would be no threat to me in any dark environment.
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Re: PSP or PS2?

Post by leftshoe18 »

That definitely had to be an issue with your TV. I played the first time on PS2 and didn't even have to touch my brightness settings to be able to see just fine without the flashlight. lol
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Re: PSP or PS2?

Post by Lifetolifeless »

Just got my PS2 copy from Ebay. I've got my PS2 running through a RetroTINK, so it should be interesting to compare a scanline presentation to the PSP. I'll report back if I find anything interesting.

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Re: PSP or PS2?

Post by Tabris »

I bought the PS2 copy when it first came out, and I wouldn't have minded it, but I had an atrocious sound glitch that caused the music/sounds to only loop once, which meant essentially no real ambience throughout the entire game. Imagine that in a Silent Hill game of all things.

I returned it for another copy and had the same problem. That said, I've mentioned it a few times over the years on the forums and I only remember one other person ever having that problem. Sucks cause I was stoked as hell to play it on PS2.

Hope your copy is glitch free cause I'm still mad about this haha.
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Re: PSP or PS2?

Post by Lifetolifeless »

Were you playing it on a PS3, by chance, Tabris?
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Re: PSP or PS2?

Post by Tabris »

It's been so long, I legit can't remember, but I honestly don't think so. Possible though!
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Re: PSP or PS2?

Post by NanayaShiki »

I'm going to be the odd one out here and say I prefer the PS2 version. "Prefer" might be the wrong term, granted, as I dislike the game on both systems. It's true that you will likely find more bugs on the PS2 version and sometimes you can really tell the game was meant for a smaller screen. The benefit, however, is that they redid the character models for the PS2 version and not only are they much better looking but they fixed one of my biggest issues with the game originally (Alessa smirking at Travis like a dumb horror movie creepy girl because the SH movie was popular at the time)
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Re: PSP or PS2?

Post by jdnation »

From what I know, the PS2 version is graphically worse in many ways than the PSP version, so it wasn't a great port.

I had a good time with it on PSP. I'd stick with that, unless you really prefer the comfort of playing on a larger screen.
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Re: PSP or PS2?

Post by Chris Sunderland »

Origins looks graphically like the lost Silent Hill made in between 1 and 2. Wish you could port the PS2 models into the psp one, and the camera controls.
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