New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

It's true: Bloober Team is remaking Silent Hill 2. Talk about it in here to keep Remake talk separate from the original!

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New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by jdnation »

Here's the latest new trailer from the State of Play.

Release date is October 8th 2024.

Overall, it's looking much better.

James looks good.

However the main issue I have is that his action movesets lean a bit too close to Leon S Kennedy for me, particularly the face stomping.

But... I'm really not digging the new Angela... I know it's a completely different actress, but the chubbier character, voice and portrayal feels like too much of a departure for my liking.



13 min Gameplay Trailer is also up now:

I actually do like a lot of what I saw.

- No QTEs, Yay! :D
- The first monster encounter location was slightly different, so we know they are changing things around a bit.
- We see Maria for the first time. The Actress pretty much gave away that she's playing both Mary and Maria in the interview, 8) so it looks like Konami doesn't care about that spoiler...
- New Maria is a slight departure in terms of looks, and given this is the portion where we are searching for Laura, her face has a more concerned soft expression that we don't normally see of her, so there is more acting detail put into the cutscenes.
- Laura looks pretty good to me, she has a more modern-kid attitude vocabulary, but like James, I feel their remade character models come off the best.
- There is more of the modern 3rd person game dialogue and monologues going on as you play.
- I like that we see James having more contextual animations, picking up objects, writing on the map, etc.
- The health item pick-up sound just isn't the same... nothing beats the original, you'd think they'd have kept it :( but maybe it is the same, but the new way sounds can echo and behave on modern engines might be making it feel different?
- They'd hinted this back then, about examining the weapons you pick up.
- Some items looks the same, interiors are redesigned to naturally accommodate the 3rd person camera, but it is also good that they are drawing you attention in other ways such as the wind blowing to draw your attention to certain areas to explore.
- Naturally the additional detailed environments, there are subtle context buttons all over the place for items similar to exploration in Resident Evil remakes and the last of Us. Which is a necessity, but it's not overly in your face.

Overall, I'm feeling pleased with what I saw. So I'm more optimistic about the Remake now.
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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by sh#1fan »

Looks good.
I have mine pre ordered already!
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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by Chris Sunderland »

Looks excellent 👌.They are face scanning the actors I imagine, so they are gonna look like those actors. Maria is pretty similar to the og. Angela looks different, but I honestly like her delivery better. It's good awkward. I'm glad they kept that aspect of the dialog. Honestly though nothing Bloober will do will be right for some people. SH2 must be the worst game to have to remake. I hope I can turn off all the HUD elements.
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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by jdnation »

4K Konami link

I've noticed moments at 1:10 and 1:25, where creatures let out a roar that shakes James momentarily.

Also while exploring, it seems that the bottom right corner of the screen notes your location... which I guess is there to make levels easier to navigate, but I don't know how I feel about that...

Some Gifs:

Cast interview

Bloober team interviews
Chris Sunderland wrote: 31 May 2024 Looks excellent 👌.They are face scanning the actors I imagine, so they are gonna look like those actors. Maria is pretty similar to the og. Angela looks different, but I honestly like her delivery better. It's good awkward. I'm glad they kept that aspect of the dialog. Honestly though nothing Bloober will do will be right for some people. SH2 must be the worst game to have to remake. I hope I can turn off all the HUD elements.
They slightly changed James' look to be more faithful, so I doubt it is solely down to that.


Maria, however, does look closer to her actress.


As for the delivery, she sounds more normal versus the original when first meeting where you just feel something is off. But later in the trailer when James encounters her again, she sounds more shaken and closer in delivery to the original, so maybe Bloober is doing a thing where initially she seems normal, but the more you encounter her, the more she begins to resemble original Angela.

Original skinnier Angela with dark rings under her eyes had the feeling of weakness and malnourishment that adds to her character, but this one again seems like a typical healthy girl.


It could be the old PS2 texture work that is emphasizing more details of a more sickly paler looking girl.


It's not the biggest deal, I could get used to it... but it's still rubbing me the wrong kind of way...


Hmmmm... ... 8779613317 ... 3284608355

Maria's outfit has been changed significantly.

It's less... showy... less boobs and belly covered, which I think conflicts with the idea that she is supposed to be a more fantasy-ish woman for James and the theme of sexuality. The new model also has some pink color highlights at the tips of her hair.
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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by leftshoe18 »

Overall, I really like what I saw in the gameplay footage. It doesn't look like anything that will revolutionize the horror gaming world, but it looks like a competent remake of a classic horror game. I wonder if all of the preorder bonuses will be available for preordering the physical version as well. I am a little disappointed that there isn't like a "collector's edition" of the game with some physical goodies.
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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by Arsonist »

To be completely transparent, I'm not super invested in the remake. I have the original, and I'm very happy with it. I feel no need to buy this game.
That said, I like what I'm seeing. Adding some new locations is a good idea. SH2 was pretty linear, so adding the option of visiting more places that James and Mary went to during their trip is good. More dialogue from Maria during the escort mission is IMO the right call as well. I like Maria, but most people don't really form any emotional connection to her before her first death. Showing off more of her thoughts as well as her softer side in caring about Laura is welcome.
I'm still not super sold on the combat. The monsters look great, and I really like their movement. But the QTEs and the firearm crosshair feel a bit... off.
Character redesigns look great. I like Maria's new outfit. They kept the iconic silhouette and color while making her less tacky at the same time. Angela is the one I'm not too sure about. Both in terms of her looks and the performance, she's a bit too put together compared to the original. I know that Donna Burke's performance got a lot of flack, most famously (and IMO unprofessionally) from McGlynn, but I liked it. Sure, she's chewing the scenery here and there, but it fits her character. She just experienced severe trauma, she's someone who can snap at any minute. From the bits and pieces we saw here, she comes across as too normal. This is seen in her redesign as well. She's less pale and tired looking, she doesn't have a pimple breakout on her forehead, her hair isn't as greasy, she appears to be wearing eye makeup... She looks like a kid taking my coffee order rather than someone I should be worried about. It could work though. We'll see. Overall, I'm optimistic.
Also, I'm no longer buying that the Original James redesign was for plot purposes. He was obviously just based on the actor playing him, as is Maria. Anyway, aging him down was the right call.
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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by Droo »

I didn't see any QTEs anymore in the footage we saw yesterday when James was grappling with monsters.
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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by Burning Man »

jdnation wrote:It's less... showy... less boobs and belly covered, which I think conflicts with the idea that she is supposed to be a more fantasy-ish woman for James and the theme of sexuality.
There was a cutscene in the trailer of Room S3 in Brookhaven. There's no doubt that the angle was deliberate. I think the theme of sexuality will still be present, but better contextualized in this Remake. Overall, I got a more mature and serious tone from the Remake compared to the original.

Eddie was noticeably absent from the trailer... hope that means Konami is saving the best for last.
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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by Chris Sunderland »

jdnation wrote: 31 May 2024 4K Konami link

I've noticed moments at 1:10 and 1:25, where creatures let out a roar that shakes James momentarily.

Also while exploring, it seems that the bottom right corner of the screen notes your location... which I guess is there to make levels easier to navigate, but I don't know how I feel about that...

Some Gifs:

Cast interview

Bloober team interviews
Chris Sunderland wrote: 31 May 2024 Looks excellent 👌.They are face scanning the actors I imagine, so they are gonna look like those actors. Maria is pretty similar to the og. Angela looks different, but I honestly like her delivery better. It's good awkward. I'm glad they kept that aspect of the dialog. Honestly though nothing Bloober will do will be right for some people. SH2 must be the worst game to have to remake. I hope I can turn off all the HUD elements.
They slightly changed James' look to be more faithful, so I doubt it is solely down to that.


Maria, however, does look closer to her actress.


As for the delivery, she sounds more normal versus the original when first meeting where you just feel something is off. But later in the trailer when James encounters her again, she sounds more shaken and closer in delivery to the original, so maybe Bloober is doing a thing where initially she seems normal, but the more you encounter her, the more she begins to resemble original Angela.

Original skinnier Angela with dark rings under her eyes had the feeling of weakness and malnourishment that adds to her character, but this one again seems like a typical healthy girl.


It could be the old PS2 texture work that is emphasizing more details of a more sickly paler looking girl.


It's not the biggest deal, I could get used to it... but it's still rubbing me the wrong kind of way...


Hmmmm... ... 8779613317 ... 3284608355

Maria's outfit has been changed significantly.

It's less... showy... less boobs and belly covered, which I think conflicts with the idea that she is supposed to be a more fantasy-ish woman for James and the theme of sexuality. The new model also has some pink color highlights at the tips of her hair.
Both Angela's give me the impression of awkward shy girl, not really sickly. At least not in the beginning anyways. What I like about Angelas delivery now is it comes across as awkward and distant, but more natural? I always felt Angela was a great character but her voice acting kinda sounds forced abit. I get people's complaints because she's probably the most drastically different looking character so far, but I like these changes because it give it it's own identity. Btw I'm pretty sure they changed James because people complained about him looking more like his actor in the original trailers.

If I had to guess about Maria's outfit it's probably because it's 1:1 of Christina Agularia. I think that type of thing sticks out more now than in say 01. Still a stark contrast to Mary. She's still a polar opposite look at the same person. I always enjoy the small outfit changes in these things, like Leon's coat looking more like RE3.5s coat then the original. These remakes always tow the line on what to keep and what to change but these things aren't 1:1 remakes but reimagining's of the older games. It's art being reinterpreted by people who hopefully love it and having these small things gives it it's own identity. The original shouldn't try to replace anything because art is not replaceable.

Droo I hope we can turn off all the HUD elements including the aiming ridicule. I love immersive options like that. Trying to kneecap a nurse to stun it is much more of a challenge without the ridicule. It'd be a good way to give SH2 more of a challenge naturally too since the combat looks largely similar aside from the perspective and having both an melee and firearm on at the same time. If I had to guess the biggest challenge for bloob is the combat. Not only trying to modernize a combat system that isn't that great, but not change it too the point it becomes an action game.
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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by Klimat »

Pretty good trailers.
The environments are simply gorgeous and very true to the original atmosphere, I think it's one of the strongest points of the remake so far.
The music is of cause lifter straight from the original and is perfect.
Combat is actually significantly improved compared to the old Combat Trailer, namely they've added a new dodge function similar to Homecoming (or similar to SH4 if a fixed cameras game counts in a comparison), which is a great addition. Also it looks like they've added a quick weapon switch button from ranged to melee and vice versa, which is neat. And on top of it all they have also ditched the button mashing grab prompt everyone complained about, which is a big plus and also proves the developers are listening to the feedback.
When it comes to the characters, I think James now looks pretty good and visibly more true to the classic model compared to the initial reveal, so again props to the developers for listening to our gripes. Laura looks very good. Maria is fine from what I saw, also she was only shown briefly, so I'll need a better look in the future. Now regretfully I have to say so far I'm not impressed with Angela at all. The puffy cheeks look doesn't really fit the character in my opinion (hey, maybe her model can also be slightly tweaked like James's), the voice is a big departure from the original as well and on top of it I was not even impressed by her facial animations (while both James and Laura did impress me in that department a lot). When I think about Angela's original introduction scene in the graveyard, I immediaty recall her "Lost?" line questioning James, it was and to this day still is a very impressive animation perfectly conveying confusion. In the new trailer they made the accent on "I'm not lying!" line with a camera zoom on the face, but the facial expression there stayed pretty flat.
On other notes the new healing/map updating animations and item inspection mechanics are quite neat, not entirely necessary, but definitely cool to have.
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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by Vixx »

jdnation wrote: 31 May 2024 Hmmmm...
I'm not happy with Maria's new look either – it's like someone's completely missed why she's dressed that way in the first place – but it has nothing to do with Sweet Baby or - gasp - enforced equality.

There are few places online where I feel safe as a female games journalist atm, and I'm not having the place I've run and paid for for the last 20+ years added to that list. So, with peace and kindness, I'm asking you to please not bring SBI or EDI/DEI up again. I hope you understand. ❤️

Thank you so much for all the detailed analysis and screenshots - absolutely awesome work.
V xx

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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by sh#1fan »

leftshoe18 wrote: 31 May 2024 I wonder if all of the preorder bonuses will be available for preordering the physical version as well. I am a little disappointed that there isn't like a "collector's edition" of the game with some physical goodies.
1000% agree. I had to pre order the dumb digital version for the extra stuff. I would love a deluxe physical edition or collectors edition! Until then I just have the regular physical copy pre ordered.
If anyone finds out there is a physical deluxe/collectors edition please let me know.
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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by Arsonist »

Not that it matters, but I'm pretty sure that the "original" image of Angela that everyone is comparing the new one to is an AI upscale of the FMV scene. AI programs tend to pretty things up when they do their thing. This is the actual official character art of her.
Rounder face, dark circles around the eyes, pimples, bushier eyebrows, no eye makeup, no lip gloss... And this is reflected in her PS2 in-game model as well. I don't have a good picture of her on hand, but you do see the pimples as well as the fact that she has a thick pair of brows.
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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by Chris Sunderland »

Vixx wrote: 31 May 2024
jdnation wrote: 31 May 2024 Hmmmm...
I'm not happy with Maria's new look either – it's like someone's completely missed why she's dressed that way in the first place – but it has nothing to do with Sweet Baby or - gasp - enforced equality.

There are few places online where I feel safe as a female games journalist atm, and I'm not having the place I've run and paid for for the last 20+ years added to that list. So, with peace and kindness, I'm asking you to please not bring SBI or EDI/DEI up again. I hope you understand. ❤️

Thank you so much for all the detailed analysis and screenshots - absolutely awesome work.
It's probably to distance Maria from her inspiration Christina Agularia. If you look at that costume it's basically a exact copy. So knowing that, Maria could be argued to be a copy. Like how the girl from Juno sued Sony over Ellie a few years ago. You can't really do that anymore like back in the day when characters looked just like actors from the time period.
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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by Droo »

Elliot Page was in Juno and he's not a girl.

If Christina had no legal issues with the outfit in the 20 years since SH2 released I hardly think using the same outfit now would have been a problem.
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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by Ww_Andi_ »

I'm not bothered by the redesigns. I don't really know why everyone on the internet is making a big deal about Angela (not necessarily here per se, but Facebook and YouTube are having a fit). But if they change it a little I won't be mad either. The game was never going to be exactly like the original and I'm fine with that. As long as it remains faithful to the story and the characters.

As for the Maria change, i could easily see them changing it up to play it safe in regards to Christina Aguilera. It's just not worth the extra time and effort if she did decide to something. Also back when sh2 originally came out games were still pretty niche, so you never know. Better to change it up.

That aside I was super impressed with everything I saw yesterday and am super looking forward to the game. I really can't wait for the release.
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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by Jonipoon »

Overall, I couldn't get more excited because the new transmission trailer eased many of my previous doubts and exceeded my expectations.

As for Maria's new outfit, I'm 99% sure her classic outfit will be unlockable or available for purchase on Steam and the PS Store at launch along with other outfits for her and James. They're obviously going for the Resident Evil 2 remake route here.
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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by Chris Sunderland »

It looks about as good as one could hope. I originally wasn't excited for a SH2 remake back when it was still a rumor. Each showing has left me more and more impressed. It can't be easy translating one of the most revered video games for a modern era, kudos to Bloober. I'm really glad to see how well the dialog sounds. It sounds way more natural, but still has that stilted awkward Lynchian feel too it
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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by jdnation »

I doubt the fashion change is anything to do with the Christina Aguilera inspiration. If anything, Aguilera was probably paid by fashion brands to wear clothes precisely so other women would buy them and they'd be flattered by imitation.

Even Gans is keeping the style close to the same in the movie. So there is no issue with imitation. At best they could've easily just changed the skirt pattern.

I believe the design change is far more deliberate, especially considering all the other characters seen so far stick very closely.

Maybe they are altering the story and characters slightly where the clothing change might make more sense. People are raising suspicions online as there is a trend of more modest clothing and body types for female characters in Western released games, or probably even because of more global emerging market standards in the Middle East, but as it stands, we don't know yet, and even then, classic Maria's outfit is really on the tame side in a market where Stellar Blade and numerous Anime games exist, so I don't think that's adding up.

Back to Angela, the same Redditor that seems to have gotten Laura's actress correct, also suspects that Angela's actress in the game is British actress Gianna Kiehl.
viewtopic.php?f=52&t=27036 ... ew_actors/

Some comparisons:

Again, this is not the confirmed for sure actress, but assuming it is, the model is chunkier at times compared to the actress, which could be down to lighting/camera lens used in the cutscene (Yes, game engines and 3D software can imitate camera lenses), or what may have been an attempt to make the actress younger, or maybe even not the best model job, but I don't think it's the latter, as Bloober has done a good job with James and Maria's captured faces, and even modifying James, so the Angela they are going with is intentional.

Better image where she looks closer to Angela.

Gianna's voice also sounds like Angela's, so I'm strongly leaning towards this being her...

And for all we know, with the passage of time, the original actress herself looks more like Angela's model now... :lol: But the last video above from a year ago, doesn't suggest that's the case.

Whatever is going on, Bloober seems to have confirmed that this is the final Angela they are sticking with.
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Re: New Release Date Trailer - Oct 8th 2024 + Gameplay trailer

Post by Klimat »

jdnation wrote: 01 Jun 2024Maybe they are altering the story and characters slightly where the clothing change might make more sense. People are raising suspicions online as there is a trend of more modest clothing and body types for female characters in Western released games, or probably even because of more global emerging market standards in the Middle East, but as it stands, we don't know yet, and even then, classic Maria's outfit is really on the tame side in a market where Stellar Blade and numerous Anime games exist, so I don't think that's adding up.
I have an elaborate idea on why Maria's outfit could have been changed. I can of cause be completely wrong, but hear me out :).

From the latest trailer we've learned First-Aid Kits were cut from the Remake while Ampoules were replaced with Syringes. And the reason for that obviously is the new healing animations added to the game and their technical requirements. Due to gameplay needs healing animations have to be fast like drinking a potion or injecting self with a syringe. Both actions can only take a second to perform, so you can be healed almost immediately (possibly in a middle of combat) and then continue doing what you were doing. First-aid kits simply do not fit into this paradigm, the animation would have to include opening said kit, taking something out of it that is not a health drink or a syringe (those would be redundant), so something like a bandage, that would have to have some kind of an application animation itself bandaging an arbitrary body part... that is simply too long and complicated, it can not work gameplay-wise.

So what if they had to change Maria's outfit for a similar reason, because in the Remake it had to perform a specific function impossible to do with the classic costume. Silent Hill games are often compared to Resident Evil, so let's take a look at a recent Remake from that franchise, namely Resident Evil 4. You see, in RE4R there is also an NPC character who tags alone with the protagonist and has to be protected, her name is Ashley Graham and her costume was as well seemingly changed in the REmake compared to the original, and yet it was later revealed that in the middle of the game Ashley has a costume change by losing her jacked revealing her classic outfit that was underneath all along.
So I wonder if Bloober wanted to pull something similar with Maria. Obviously with the classic costume it is impossible to remove any of her clothing without leaving Maria half naked, but with the new redesigned look she can easily lose her jacket revealing the dress at a strategic moment (like her Labyrinth jail cell scene) for extra seduction points. I think it's a plausible theory.
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