Henry's personality

Henry's locked in his apartment and can't get out. Bless.

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Henry's personality

Post by Haunting Hero »

I never got why Henry is throughout the entire game is a quite person. I mean if I was locked up like that and being chased around by a homicidal killer, I would be terrified!
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Re: Henry's personality

Post by Tabris »

I remember reading an article or interview way, way back when the game was new saying that his character was meant to be an emotional blank slate so you could project your own feelings onto him. So your feelings are his essentially. Basically like Chrono in Chrono Trigger.

As for how well it really worked for people is up for debate I guess.
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Re: Henry's personality

Post by Haunting Hero »

Tabris wrote:I remember reading an article or interview way, way back when the game was new saying that his character was meant to be an emotional blank slate so you could project your own feelings onto him. So your feelings are his essentially. Basically like Chrono in Chrono Trigger.

As for how well it really worked for people is up for debate I guess.
True, I still do wish they could've added a bit more to him though
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Re: Henry's personality

Post by KennyPowrez »

^ Henry's reactions and "non-reactions" are my favorite parts of the game. For example, when he first sees Cynthia's ghost, he looks back a little and has this "do you see this s**t?!" look on his face, cracks me up every time.
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Re: Henry's personality

Post by Haunting Hero »

KennyPowrez wrote:^ Henry's reactions and "non-reactions" are my favorite parts of the game. For example, when he first sees Cynthia's ghost, he looks back a little and has this "do you see this s**t?!" look on his face, cracks me up every time.
I love when he goes to fight Walter and he looks so angry or when Joseph talks to them and he shields Eileen, gotta love Henry haha :lol:
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Re: Henry's personality

Post by Deafnproud »

Idk why some people are annoyed with Henry I find Henry's dialogues very funny! What the hell? XD
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Re: Henry's personality

Post by phantomess »

Some people really do have quieter personalities like that and under-react to things. Not that I've been in situations as crazy as Henry's, but people are always noticing my lack of reactions to things, like hitting my head on a metal pipe or receiving good/bad news, etc. Honestly I show more emotion when I type things than IRL.

But yeah, I've heard something about him being intended as a bit of a blank slate too. A lot of people just pick on him though.
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Re: Henry's personality

Post by alone in the town »

For the last five days, he has not left his apartment. It's not because he wants to, but because he can't. It might as well be chained shut. When people knock, he does not answer. He's just a weirdo nobody knows very well anyway.

Sitting alone in his apartment, he tries to break through this barrier in another way, and actually try to get to know someone and connect with them. He once had friends, family, acquaintances, but they might as well be ghosts now. They have nothing to do with him nor he with them, but nonetheless, he is often haunted by these people and the hole their absence leaves in his existence.

It's all happening because a killer lives within him. This killer is called social anxiety disorder, and it is a savage motherfucker that has methodically, ritualistically, murdered every one of his relationships and friendships. And every time someone new enters his life, it strikes right away and these become the new haunting, nagging feelings that chase you all over the place and chastise you for your self-imposed seclusion.

But maybe it will actually work out with the girl down the hall. And it better, because he tried talking to her once and now it's so bad that his safe space isn't even safe anymore.
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Re: Henry's personality

Post by Jonipoon »

Henry is a deeply misunderstood character. People think he has no personality while he actually does a lot of thinking, cares deeply about others and reacts in ways that are probably more close to what a real person would react in the same situations. For example, while I absolutely love Heather's sarcastic comments in SH3, there's something about Henry that makes him more realistic as a human being. "What the hell?" is probably how I would react in a world which is part dream part reality, too.

He's definitely one of my favorite protagonists in the entire series, simply because he's so different from your standard game protagonist.
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Re: Henry's personality

Post by Mreapr »

Well its in the story.

He's the reciever of wisdom.

He was chosen as the last sacrifice.
He's a symbol just as all the other sacrifices were.

His personality shows in what he was ment for.

Maybe he was chosen on purpose.

Maybe he was chosen because he has always quietly observed things his whole life.
Also he mentions taking pictures which also alludes to this as well. He has no real input because he's merely there to oversee it all. He could be a blank slate to project myself on but thats too easy and silent hill always has a deeper meaning.
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Re: Henry's personality

Post by Jonipoon »

>and silent hill always has a deeper meaning.
Actually, not everything in Silent Hill has a deeper meaning to it. That's just a very common misconception among fans.
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