A few days ago I made my first VR game in Unity and because The Room has somehow found its way deeper into my heart than other Silent Hill games, I thought it would be pretty cool to make apt. 302 accessible through a VR headset.

Download: RoomOfAngel.apk (24,9 MB)
Android smartphone
Google Cardboard headset
Cardboard Viewer app*
*On some phones you have to pair your phone with your Cardboard using the Viewer app first, otherwise the two screens don't align properly and it will be impossible to play.
How to move?
To start walking simply pull the magnetic trigger on your Cardboard headset once.
You are now in walking mode and you will move to the direction where you are looking at.
To stop walking just pull the trigger once more.
Room of Angel details
I'm still new at this so please forgive me that I wasn't able to create the whole apartment, but only the living room/kitchen part of it. The 3D model I used simply didn't have the rest.
You can't interact with anything (doors, items, etc), but you can move around inside the apartment looking at stuff from a completely different and new perspective.
I hope I managed to give a nice finishing touch to the game by letting Room of Angel play in the background. You can think of it as not a game, but an interactive music video instead

Any feedback is welcome! I would actually really like to know your phone model and android version and whether the game runs nicely or not.
When I tested it with my Samsung Galaxy S2, I noticed a slight lag even after decimating a ton of polygons from the objects, but on a newer phone (Xperia Z5 Compact) there was absolutely no lag at all. I Just had to pair the headset first using the Cardboard Viewer app.
More screenshots and information on my blog: Silent Hill 4 Virtual Reality