The chart suggests that you get the dog and robbie masks as part of the physical pre-order.leftshoe18 wrote: ↑31 May 2024 Overall, I really like what I saw in the gameplay footage. It doesn't look like anything that will revolutionize the horror gaming world, but it looks like a competent remake of a classic horror game. I wonder if all of the preorder bonuses will be available for preordering the physical version as well. I am a little disappointed that there isn't like a "collector's edition" of the game with some physical goodies.

Pre-ordering the physical copy likely gets you a DLC code on your receipt or given to you when you pick up the game.
Only the Deluxe Edition is digital-only. And anyone who pre-pays for the digital deluxe edition also gets extra stuff, plus gets to play it 2 days before release date.
The Robbie heads are only for PS5 pre-orderers, physical or digital, they are not available for PC, though I suppose someone can always mod them in.
I'm personally not going to bother pre-ordering, as I don't think I'll even have a PS5 by this time yet, but I'm hoping that Konami will put out a physical version of the Art Book through Dark Horse or something.
I like the way you think!Klimat wrote: ↑01 Jun 2024I have an elaborate idea on why Maria's outfit could have been changed. I can of cause be completely wrong, but hear me out.
From the latest trailer we've learned First-Aid Kits were cut from the Remake while Ampoules were replaced with Syringes. And the reason for that obviously is the new healing animations added to the game and their technical requirements. Due to gameplay needs healing animations have to be fast like drinking a potion or injecting self with a syringe. Both actions can only take a second to perform, so you can be healed almost immediately (possibly in a middle of combat) and then continue doing what you were doing. First-aid kits simply do not fit into this paradigm, the animation would have to include opening said kit, taking something out of it that is not a health drink or a syringe (those would be redundant), so something like a bandage, that would have to have some kind of an application animation itself bandaging an arbitrary body part... that is simply too long and complicated, it can not work gameplay-wise.
So what if they had to change Maria's outfit for a similar reason, because in the Remake it had to perform a specific function impossible to do with the classic costume. Silent Hill games are often compared to Resident Evil, so let's take a look at a recent Remake from that franchise, namely Resident Evil 4. You see, in RE4R there is also an NPC character who tags alone with the protagonist and has to be protected, her name is Ashley Graham and her costume was as well seemingly changed in the REmake compared to the original, and yet it was later revealed that in the middle of the game Ashley has a costume change by losing her jacked revealing her classic outfit that was underneath all along.
So I wonder if Bloober wanted to pull something similar with Maria. Obviously with the classic costume it is impossible to remove any of her clothing without leaving Maria half naked, but with the new redesigned look she can easily lose her jacket revealing the dress at a strategic moment (like her Labyrinth jail cell scene) for extra seduction points. I think it's a plausible theory.

I'm guessing the more demure Maria is precisely putting it on thick, until the switch is finally flicked and there's a big about-turn moment precisely to heighten the mood across from the prison cell that this woman ain't who you initially thought she was. Maybe her clothes even change entirely by the time you arrive at Heaven's Night.